Environment Set-up

Setting up Remix IDE

Remix IDE is an online IDE to develop smart contracts. If you’re new to Remix, You’ll first need to activate two modules: Solidity Compiler and Deploy & Run Transactions.

  • Search for 'Solidity Compiler' and 'Deploy & Run Transactions' plugins in the plugin tab in Remix.

  • Activate the two plugins

  • Select Solidity Environment

  • Go to File Explorers, and Create a new file, Name it aarmaFirst.sol

  • Copy/Paste the Smart contract below into the newly created file aarmaFirst.sol

Smart contract

Explainpragma solidity ^0.8.10
contract aarmaFirst { 

  string public hello = "Hello Aarma!"

The first line, pragma solidity ^0.8.10 specifies that the source code is for a Solidity version greater than 0.8.10. Pragmas are common instructions for compilers about how to treat the source code (e.g., pragma once).

Compile Smart Contract

  • Go to Solidity Compiler.

  • Select Compiler Version to 0.8.10.

  • Compile aarmaFirst.sol

Now, We have to deploy our smart contract on AarmaChain network. For that, we have to connect to web3 world, this can be done by using Metamask.

Check THIS TUTORIAL for adding Aarmachain to your Metamask wallet. Now, let's Deploy the Smart Contract on AarmaChain:

  • Select Injected Web3 in the Environment dropdown and your contract.

  • Accept the Connection Request!

  • Once Metamask is connected to Remix, the ‘Deploy’ transaction would generate another Metamask popup that requires transaction confirmation.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed aarmaFirst Smart Contract. Now you can interact with the Smart Contract.

Last updated